New User Accounts
To participate in the CTA + Metra program, you will need a Ventra account AND sign in to the Ventra Mobile Application. Students who have not logged into the Ventra app at least one time will not be able to receive the Metra mobile tickets each month. The Ventra app can be downloaded on Apple or Android devices.
Create a new account within (contin) Heading link
Create a new account within
Create a new account within Heading link

Go to and create an account .
Remember, after creating an account you will need to download the Ventra Mobile Application AND login to receive your tickets
Create a new account within Ventra Mobile App Heading link
Create a new account within Ventra Mobile App
OR Heading link

Download Ventra Mobile App
After downloading the mobile app, walk through the steps to either login with an existing account or create a new account. You will need your username to finish registration for the CTA + Metra U-PASS.